I've just built perl6 successfully using rakudobrew on Alpine Linux
3.3.1 although I had to install build and header packages.

I saw some PAX alerts in the /var/log/message (probably moar uses an
executable stack) and had to disable this security checking with
paxctl (which I also had to install) before the build would finish.
Compiler used was gcc 5.3.


On 5 January 2016 at 23:20, Tobias Leich via RT
<perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org> wrote:
> libuv does not like to build here, which is a dependency of MoarVM.
> Though, that does not mean that we cannot do something about that.

4096R/EA75174B Steve Mynott <steve.myn...@gmail.com>

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