On Sat Jan 09 12:20:11 2016, siavash.askari.n...@gmail.com wrote:
> I experienced this problem in this code:
> $_ = "abcdefgh"; say ++$_ until
> /(\w)<{$0.Str.succ}><{$0.Str.succ.succ}>/ and !/i|o|l/ and
> /(\w)$0.*(\w)$1/;
> And `/(\w)<{$0.Str.succ}><{$0.Str.succ.succ}>/` regex is causing it.
> To
> be more specific the `<{}>` parts.
> Note: The end result should be 'abcdffaa'.
Hunted down and fixed (there were a couple of problems that were keeping the 
interpolated code alive, rather than having it collected). It does still eat an 
amount of memory over what we'd really like it to eventually, but now reaches a 
plateau and stops growing, so the leak is gone.


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