# New Ticket Created by  James E Keenan 
# Please include the string:  [perl #128048]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=128048 >

One of the joys of Perl 5 is that at the command-line I can issue a command 

perldoc DBI

... and get the author's documentation fed into a pager and highlighted in 
man-like style.

Yesterday, I started using the 'DBIish' library which is bundled with Rakudo 
Star.  https://github.com/perl6/DBIish states that I should be able to read the 
documentation with:

perl6 --doc <filename>

But that presumes I know (a) the basename of the file in which the 
documentation is found; and (b) the path to that file.  Perl 5's 'perldoc' (at 
least in its simplest and most common usage) requires neither.

It gets worse.  If I go to the top-level directory for my Rakudo Star 
installation and search the tree for files with 'DBIish' in their names, I come 
up with nothing.  That, I am told, is because the files are there only renamed 
with SHA1 hashes in their filenames.  So I then have to ack or grep the tree 
and hope for the best.  Eventually I came up with:

perl6 --doc share/perl6/site/sources/8B5538E93290C550228635C3FE5A7111890C4339

... which appears to show in the terminal the documentation found at 
https://github.com/perl6/DBIish/blob/master/lib/DBIish.pm6.  Moreover, 'perl6 
--doc <filename>' appears to neither page the documentation nor highlight it as 
'man' and 'perldoc' do.

Here, at least, I had the advantage that I knew that DBIish was bundled with 
Rakudo Star, so I could make a reasonable guess as to where to start searching 
within the file system.  But I would have been considerably more lost if I had 
installed this library from CPAN (or wherever Perl6 libraries are housed -- I 
haven't gotten that far yet).

As I noted in #perl6, this falls into the category of "barriers to adoption to 
the Perl6 language."

Is there a plan to remedy the situation?

Thank you very much.

James E Keenan (jkee...@cpan.org)

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