Rakudo Star = Rakudo plus Perl 6 modules.

It's a distribution of modules with a particular version of rakudo and
probably doesn't fit easily into the RPM model.

If you aren't including the Perl 6 modules it's not Rakudo Star but
plain "Rakudo" and should be named as such. and Fedora calling it Star
will confuse and mislead people.


On 11 May 2016 at 13:46, Sebastien Moretti <sebastien.more...@unil.ch> wrote:
>> It doesn't sound you are using Rakudo Star but a vendor packaged
>> version of plain Rakudo.
> It's Rakudo Star, but packaged by Fedora
>> Maybe Fedora have packaged panda separately and its in another SRPM/spec
>> file?
> Panda is not available.
> Fedora does not look to support Perl6 actively for now.
>> Do you have a URL to the file(s) you are using?
> http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/rakudo-star.git/tree/rakudo-star.spec
> I have just updated the version in the spec file to use Rakudo Star 2016.04
>> S
>> On 11 May 2016 at 13:28, Sebastien Moretti <sebastien.more...@unil.ch>
>> wrote:
>>> I have a particular installation, so I follow Fedora spec files and at
>>> the
>>> end no panda.
>>> And no mention of panda in spec files.
>>> I can easily install panda by myself but I am faced with module path
>>> issues.
>>>> Rakudo Star 2016.04 comes with panda but it's no longer in the same
>>>> directory as "perl6" so you will need to add it to the path.
>>>> If you install from source then it will display the path you need at
>>>> the end of the last step.
>>>> On a system which uses the --prefix /opt/rakudo-star-2016.04 panda
>>>> will be installed under
>>>> /opt/rakudo-star-2016.04/share/perl6/site/bin/panda
>>>> You don't need to change the library installation location.
>>>> S
>>>> On 11 May 2016 at 12:33, Sebastien Moretti <sebastien.more...@unil.ch>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> I have installed Perl 6 Rakudo Star 2016.04 but it comes without panda.
>>>>> So I try to install panda and its requirements (Shell::Command, ...)
>>>>> I think the best place for those libraries are in /usr/share/perl6/lib
>>>>> or
>>>>> /usr/share/perl6/site|vendor/lib
>>>>> Unfortunately once installed, perl6 cannot find them because it looks
>>>>> into
>>>>> /usr/share/perl6/ or /usr/share/perl6/site|vendor/, not in
>>>>> sub-directory
>>>>> lib
>>>>> in those folders.
>>>>> So what is the best/common place to install Perl6 modules?
>>>>> Alternatively how to change the Perl6 behavior to look into lib
>>>>> sub-directories.
>>>>> Cheers

4096R/EA75174B Steve Mynott <steve.myn...@gmail.com>

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