This message is looking for a clarification/confirmation.  
S12:207 says:

> To call an ordinary method with ordinary method-dispatch semantics,
> use either the dot notation or indirect object notation:
>     $obj.doit(1,2,3)
>     doit $obj: 1,2,3
> If the method was not found, it will fall back to a subroutine call
> instead, with the invocant becoming the first positional argument.

Does fall back to a subroutine occur anytime we don't have
a method with a matching signature?  For example, if we have

    class Foo {
        multi method bar(Num $x) { say "Foo::bar"; }

    sub bar(Int $x) { say "sub bar"; }

    my $foo =;

In this case do we still fall back to the subroutine call?  How
about if the method isn't a multimethod (or if the sub is a multisub)?



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