
I wrote these issues up in a gist:


They got some discussion on channel, and the decisions implemented.

On Wed Mar 04 01:08:29 2015, moritz wrote:
> On 27.02.2015 23:57, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
> >> On 27 Feb 2015, at 17:24, Moritz Lenz (via RT) <perl6-bugs-
> >> follo...@perl.org> wrote:
> >> Both IO::Socket::Async and Proc::Async have the options to get
> >> supplies
> >> for binary or string data, but there are two inconsitentcies:
> >>
> >> 1) Proc::Async has methods stdout(:$bin), IO::Socket::Async has
> >> chars_supply and bytes_supply. There should be some naming
> >> consistency here
> >>

Now IO::Socket::Async is consistent with IO::Handle: you have a .Supply method 
and can give it an optional :bin parameter. This is consistent with the :$bin 
parameter that stdout and stdin have on Proc::Async. Since there are two 
supplies you could want, then we can't just have .Supply on a Proc::Async. 
Updated S32-io/IO-Socket-Async.t to use the .Supply method.

> >> 2) Proc::Async has live supplies, and requires you to set them up
> >> before
> >> starting the process. IO::Socket::Async has on-demand supplies that
> >> you
> >> can get after the fact.
> >>

When you are listening on a socket for incoming connections, you already have 
the socket, so there's no chance to take the supply earlier. With processes, 
obtaining the supplies has a secondary role of indicating what handles to bind 
when the process is spawned, which has to happen before we spawn it. So, the 
current design seems right.

> While I'm at it, there are two more inconsistencies between
> IO::Socket::Async and IO::Socket::INET:
> 1. IO::Socket::Async.connect() uses positional arguments for the host
> and port, while IO::Socket.:INET.new uses
> 2. ::Async uses separate .connect and .listen methods, ::INET uses a
> .new with a separate :listen argument to distinguish them. (I think I
> tend to prefer the separate methods approach).
IO::Socket::INET gets to keep its new method, but it now also has connect and 
listen convenience methods, taking positional arguments, for consistency with 
IO::Socket::Async. Added tests in S32-io/IO-Socket-INET.t for new listen and 
connect methods.


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