# New Ticket Created by  mt1957 
# Please include the string:  [perl #129856]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=129856 >


I wanted to define a class in the 'Pod' package like so (in file 

use Pod::To::HTML;
unit package Pod;
class Render {
   # ...

Then use it

use Pod::Render;
my Pod::Render $pr .= new;

Throws the exception

Type 'Pod::Render' is not declared
at /home/marcel/Languages/Perl6/Projects/pod-render/bin/pod-render.pl6:10
------>   my Pod::Render⏏ $pr .= new;
Malformed my
at /home/marcel/Languages/Perl6/Projects/pod-render/bin/pod-render.pl6:10
------>   my Pod::⏏Render $pr .= new;

I expect it to instantiate without problems as seen in my other projects.

When the declaration becomes like below, everything goes well.

use Pod::To::HTML;
class Pod::Render {



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