Sounds good! Thanks.

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 12:21 PM, Timo Paulssen via RT <> wrote:

> Now the exception also contains the error as reported by libuv:
>     timo@schmand /tmp> perl6 CounterMutexSingleton.pl6 --num_threads=253
>     Could not create a new Thread: too many open files
>       in sub MAIN at CounterMutexSingleton.pl6 line 76
>       in block <unit> at CounterMutexSingleton.pl6 line 71
> I think this bug can now be closed; any other problems with this code
> should be reported in a different ticket, IMO, because i'd like to make
> this the ticket for "segfault when too many threads are created".
> Cheers!

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