> On 26 May 2017, at 12:59, Peter du Marchie van Voorthuysen (via RT) 
> <perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org> wrote:
> # New Ticket Created by  Peter du Marchie van Voorthuysen 
> # Please include the string:  [perl #131372]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
> # <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=131372 >
> This is Rakudo version 2017.04.3 built on MoarVM version 2017.04-53-g66c6dda
> implementing Perl 6.c.
> The eqv implementation hangs when executing the following code:
>    my $a = [];
>    $a[0] = $a;
>    my $b = [];
>    $b[0] = $b;
>    $a eqv $b;
> In the REPL a Ctrl-C won't terminate the evaluation. At first the memory
> footprint of the moar process grows quickly, but over time the pace of
> growth decreases while the CPU is kept busy.

This golfs to:

my @a = $(my @b); @b[0] = @a; @a eqv @b

Same problem exists with hashes BTW:

my %a = a => my %b; %b<a> = %a; %a eqv %b

Seems we need something like perlseen for eqv as well.

Looking at it now.

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