
say IntStr ~~ Str # True

In other words, IntStr *is* a Str.

What I find interesting, however, is this difference:

sub s (Str() :$str) {say $str.WHAT}; s(:str<1>) # IntStr
sub s (Str :$str) {say $str.Str.WHAT}; s(:str<1>) # Str

I would have expected the same output in both cases.

On 2017-06-03 02:05:49, mt1...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> In Rakudo version 2017.05-338-gaca1929 built on MoarVM version
> 2017.05-25-g62bc54e
> implementing Perl 6.c I saw that a type could be changed through an
> assignment which It should not do. In REPL;
> > my Str $s = IntStr.new(12,'12');
> 12
> > $s.WHAT
> (IntStr)
> >
> The type IntStr should be coerced into Str. A second example happened in
> my code and golfed in REPL
> > sub s (Str :$str) {say $str.WHAT}
> sub s (Str :$str) { #`(Sub|89412592) ... }
> > s(:str<1>)
> (IntStr)
> > s(:str<a>)
> (Str)
> The type should stay as it was defined I think.
> Marcel

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