There was some progress on this. jnthn++

I guess the most promising commit regarding this issue is
, but there's at least one other commit that could've improved the situation (

I will test this again after we have MoarVM bumped (or sooner if I have time).

On 2017-08-10 10:43:42, wrote:
> After recent rakudo updates whateverables started having some
> problems. At first I thought that they simply became slower, but upon
> further investigation it turned out that their memory usage was
> increasing during the operation (which is most likely the reason for
> them to slow down during the execution).
> MasterDuke++ did a lot of investigation and measurements, so I'm
> hoping to see his comments here. I don't have much to say, so I'll
> just give a bunch of links. Please bear with me.
> Initial conversation and relatively golfed down code:
> dogbert11++ reproducing the issue
> (note that it seems like there's no memory leak, but the memory usage
> is growing)
> More:
> I don't know if this affects anybody else, but jdv79++ was talking
> about some memory issues recently:
> dev/2017-08-05#i_14973488

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