Note that the tests on 92bd7e4^ and 92bd7e4 are not very related to this
particular issue.

To put simply: it went from 58628 to 138220 because of changes related to this
commit (or maybe one or two commits before it):

For Proc → Proc::Async issue see this ticket:

Bisect logs:

On 2017-08-16 14:21:25, wrote:
> After some test against various release of rakudo it appear that there
> is a huge step in the memory taken by rakudo/moar at launch. (after
> 2017.05)
> It's like up to 55Mb to 120Mb+
> It was tested by reading the memory info in /proc/pid/statm (the
> number is in Kbytes)
> <AlexDaniel> committable6test:
> 92bd7e4f54a9^,92bd7e4f54a9,9658dd98c9dd8ec^^,9658dd98c9dd8ec say
> "/proc/$*PID/statm".IO.lines[0].split(/\s/)[5] * 4096 / 1024
> <committable6test> AlexDaniel, ¦92bd7e4f54a9^: «55752» ¦92bd7e4:
> «55896» ¦9658dd98c9dd8ec^^: «58628» ¦9658dd9: «138220»

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