Oh. A crude way to reproduce it is:

while :; do clear; PERL6LIB=lib ./perl6-m t/spec/S17-lowlevel/atomic-ops.t ||
break; done

And just leave it running, it'll fail at some point. Get your system busy with
something and it'll fail faster.

On 2017-09-05 00:14:11, alex.jakime...@gmail.com wrote:
> Here's the output when it fails:
> ok 1 - Can do an atomic fetch from a Scalar container
> ok 2 - Can do an atomic assign to a Scalar container; returns new
> value
> ok 3 - Atomic fetch after atomic assign shows latest value
> ok 4 - Updated value seen by non-atomic too
> 1..2
> ok 1 - code dies
> ok 2 - right exception type (X::TypeCheck::Assignment)
> ok 5 - Cannot atomic assign value of the wrong type
> ok 6 - No hang due to incorrect lifting of atomic fetch out of loop
> ok 7 - Can do an atomic fetch from an int container
> ok 8 - Can do an atomic assign to an int container; returns new value
> ok 9 - Atomic int fetch after atomic int assign shows latest value
> ok 10 - Updated value seen by non-atomic too
> A IntLexRef container does not know how to do an atomic load
> in block <unit> at t/spec/S17-lowlevel/atomic-ops.t line 41
> # Looks like you planned 28 tests, but ran 10
> I noticed that it fails more often when the system is under load (e.g.
> when running the spectest). Other than that I don't have any info.

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