Sorry, it was marked as “resolved”, but I don't see any mention of tests.

On 2014-09-16 07:51:34, elizabeth wrote:
> 16:48:20] <lizmat> jnthn: sanity check: we should allow more than
> one signal to be tapped at a time, right ?
> [16:49:10] <jnthn> lizmat: aye
> [16:49:32] <lizmat> putting this in a file:
> [16:49:34] <lizmat> signal(SIGHUP).act: -> { };
> signal(SIGINT).act: -> { }; sleep 5;
> [16:49:50] <lizmat> running it and pressing CTRL-c gives a very
> strange backtrace
> [16:50:03] <lizmat> Unhandled exception in code scheduled on
> thread 4527849472
> [16:50:03] <lizmat> Cannot call 'postcircumfix:<[ ]>'; none of
> these signatures match:
> [16:50:22] <lizmat> no line numbers, not even with --ll-exception
> [16:51:13] <jnthn> Odd
> [16:52:06] <lizmat> rakudobug it?
> [16:54:14] <jnthn> yeah

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