On Wed, 13 Sep 2017 19:15:36 -0700, b...@abrij.org wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Oct 2015 00:54:21 -0700, larry wrote:
> > On Sat Oct 10 08:33:13 2015, FROGGS.de wrote:
> > > say class { has Int $.foo is default(0) }.new.foo
> > > rakudo-moar 025ec1: OUTPUT«(Int)␤»
> > > 
> > > class Foo { has Int $.foo is default(0) }; say Foo.new.foo
> > > rakudo-moar 025ec1: OUTPUT«(Int)␤»
> > > 
> > > I would expect that foo is zero in both cases.
> > 
> > Even less sensical, it violates its own :D here:
> > > p6 'say  class { has Int:D $.foo is default(0) }.new.foo'
> > (Int:D)
> The first case was resolved with RT#131387
> The second case seems fixed.
> Tests specifically for the second case still needed.
> So maybe combine this with the latter and make a ruling on 

Ignore that last sentence, I was going to suggest RT#126296 but...

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