Still failing (2017.11, HEAD(5929887))

On 2014-07-31 13:05:19, david.warring wrote:
> I've added some fudged tests to S03-operators/relational.t. A couple
> taken from the above test cases, also:
> is 3 !> 3 !> 1, 3 !> 3 && 3 !> 1, 'chained !>';
> is 3 !< 3 !< 2, 3 !< 3 && 3 !< 2, 'chained !<';
> Both failing
> On Thu May 29 23:26:36 2014, thoughtstream wrote:
> > As the following test program illustrates, !before and !after do not
> > always chain correctly under Rakudo perl6 version 2014.04 built
> > on MoarVM version 2014.04.
> >
> > Damian
> >
> > -----cut----------cut----------cut----------cut----------
> > cut----------
> > cut----------cut-----
> >
> > #! /usr/bin/env perl6
> > use v6;
> >
> > use Test;
> >
> > for 1..3 X 1..3 X 1..3 -> $x, $y, $z {
> >
> > is $x before $y before $z,
> > $x before $y && $y before $z, "$x before $y before $z";
> >
> > is $x !before $y !before $z,
> > $x !before $y && $y !before $z, "$x !before $y !before $z";
> >
> > is $x after $y after $z,
> > $x after $y && $y after $z, "$x after $y after $z";
> >
> > is $x !after $y !after $z,
> > $x !after $y && $y !after $z, "$x !after $y !after $z";
> > }
> >
> > done;
> >
> >
> > -----end----------end----------end----------end----------
> > end----------
> > end----------end-----

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