There is a Deep C# article (07/20/2000) over at MSDN. But as it states, the
pickings from Microsoft are pretty slim.

The article points to a 07/13/2000 discussion from the ECMS TC39 meetings:

Notable and quotable:

> Q: Will this include the associated class libraries? Such
>    as the ones needed to support the Python and Perl
>    implementations?  
> A: This will likely include any classes necessary to support
>    the standard. As far as the remaining classes, nothing has
>    either been ruled in or ruled out. There are some classes
>    which are platform specific, and Microsoft has made a first
>    pass at splitting out the "system" classes from "microsoft"
>    classes. Microsoft expressed an interest in working with
>    committed in order to determine the rate at which these
>    classes could be digested - suggesting that it was unlikely
>    that the full set would become standardized in the first
>    revision of these standards.  

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Tobey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 10:17 PM
> Subject: Re: C# (.NET) has no interpreters
> > > While C might be fine and dandy for getting o.k. native 
> code w/o too
> > > much implementation effort, I think that it might be 
> worth the effort
> > > to implement a JIT compiler for the perl interpreter's 
> intermediate
> > > language.
> Speaking of intermediate languages, is there any more concrete info on
> the C# IL than what's in the article?  I'd like to know what would be
> involved in supporting it.
> -- 
> John Tobey, late nite hacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> \\\                                                               ///
> ]]]             With enough bugs, all eyes are shallow.           [[[
> ///                                                               \\\

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