Dan Sugalski wrote:
> > existence of a $^T variable for controlling tainting in the same way
> > that $^W controls warnings. 
> So put in an RFC. :)


Ask and ye shall receive...in POD format ala Tim...

BTW, I've posted this to both lists because your reply was. However,
since $^T wouldn't remove any functionality, unless someone had already
planned a use for it, further discussion can probably stay on
perl6-internals for now (unless you feel otherwise). Please CC: me as
I'm not on the internals list.


=head1 TITLE

Allow on-the-fly tainting via the $^T variable

=head1 VERSION

Maintainer: Nathan Wiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 31 July 2000
Version: 1
Mailing List: perl6-internals
Number: 1

=head1 Abstract

Currently, Perl requires that tainting be invoked along with the Perl
interpreter, via the -T switch. It would be nice if tainting could be
turned on and off at will via the $^T variable, just like $^W can be
used to toggle the -w warning flag.

=head1 Description

Because of the way tainting works, tracing all variables from inception
through destruction, right now tainting can only be turned on or off
globally via the -T switch. This leads to many problems, however, such
as reading a variable from a known-safe configuration file. For example:

   #! perl -T
   $ENV{PATH} = read_config_file();

is basically guaranteed to generate an "Insecure dependency in ..."

The current workaround is the sacred untainting trick, i.e.

   #! perl -T
   my $unsafe = read_config_file();
   ($ENV{PATH}) = $unsafe =~ m#^(.*)$#s;    # untaint

However, as mentioned this is a workaround. While neat, it's still a

Instead, it would be really cool if Perl6 let you do this:

   #! perl -T
   local($^T) = 0;
   $ENV{PATH} = read_config_file();
   local($^T) = 1;

Which would lead to several nifty side effects, such as:

   #! perl
   # turn on tainting only if the user said to
   $^T = 1 if $r->dir_config('PerlTaintChecks');


=head1 Implementation

This will avoid internals, but instead get into the details of how the
implementation should *act*:

   1. Have the tainting engine "trust" any variables declared
      when tainting is off. So:

         #! perl
         # engine assumes this is clean
         my $var = 'some_val';
         $^T = 1;
         $ENV{PATH} = $var;   # safe

      So, the tainting engine could trust $var just as if it
      had been the string '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin'.

   2. Nonetheless, have the tainting engine watch any tainted
      variables still. So, whatever scope (tainted or untainted)
      the variable is *initially declared in* is what it remains

         #! perl -T
         # this doesn't work, sorry
         my $unsafe_value = read_unsafe_value();
         $^T = 0;
         my $trick_var = $unsafe_value;   # try to sneak...
         $^T = 1; 
         $ENV{PATH} = $trick_var;  # nope! insecure still!

      That way, the $^T variable would not allow someone to
      easily shoot themselves in the foot by accidentally
      untainting the wrong thing.

   3. A true RFC: What to do about this?

         #! perl -T
         my $unsafe_value = read_unsafe_value();
         $^T = 0;
         my $trick_var = $unsafe_value;   # try to sneak...
         $ENV{PATH} = $trick_var;         # ???? ok ????

      The question here is: should stuff be implicitly tainted
      once tainting has been activated anywhere? There are two
      possibilities for setting $^T = 0:

         a) all tainting is turned off (like $^W)
         b) tainting for NEW OBJECTS ONLY is turned off

      So, under (a), the above would work fine, since tainting
      has simply been turned off. This is probably the most
      intuitive way to implement it.

      Idea (b) is a little more fancy. Here, existing objects
      that have already been tainted remain tainted. This just
      takes item #2 to the next step. The main difference is
      that (b) has a more "follow each variable" semantic to
      it. So, basically, once -T or $^T was specified, the
      tainting module would be active throughout the life
      of the script and watch any and all variables declared
      while $^T, even if $^T later = 0.

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