Dan Sugalski wrote:
>    $foo = 12;
>    $bar = something();
>    $bar = $foo;
> could work out to:
>    $foo = $bar = 12;
>    something();

If $foo is a lexical variable and it hasn't been aliased then
you might be able to do that optimization. The following is just
as good and safer:

$foo = 12;
$bar = $foo;

> Where if you tie, we have *no* idea what you're doing. This:
>    tie $foo, SomeModule;
>    $foo = 12;
> could well reboot some server in outer mongolia for all we know. Tied
> variable access counts as a function call, which smacks optimization all by
> itself.

Do we have to worry about pass-by-ref semantics and @_ assignments
too? This is a weird edge case that I've never ran into. That's going
to put a big damper on optimization with subs.

Actually, we have this problem without tie if we allow external
code to register new primitive types. For example, we assume that +
is commutative so that we can re-order expressions and fold constants.
That would break a module that implemented some weird + that wasn't

Anybody that does this has to define a new operator, i.e. if they
use the standard operators, they have to live with the standard
semantics. (This is why string concatentation should never use +!)

I really need to start playing with a parser and dataflow analysis
before thinking too much more about this. It might be that we need
something *way* more strict than use strict before aggresive
optimization is possible.

- Ken

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