> Assuming that the perl parser generated IV SVs rather than NVs for
> the 2 constants 2,3, then my scheme would handle this fine; the IV

It currently does so.

> version of add() would be called, and an IV SB would result.

"The IV version of add()"?  Beware of combinatorial explosion:
addII, addIU, addUI, addUU, addIN, addNI, addNN, addblahbah....

> However, my current scheme crashes and burns for the following:
> $a = 2;
> $b = 33;
> $c = $a ** $b;

Would work just fine in my 64-bit Alpha box :-)

> The way perl5 handles these cases is that $a + $b, $a * $b etc just
> silengly ignore any overlow and return an int, while $a ** $b appears
> to automatically upgrade to a float. My system currently says nothing

Yup.  Welcome to the wonderful world of unsolicited and surprising
type conversions.

> I presume that with bigint in force, even
> $x = 2
> would make $x a bigint?

Not necessarily.  The tokenizer is able to tell the difference
It currently does this by using UVs if a positive IV wouldn't
be enough, and NVs if even a UV wouldn't be.  'use bigint' could
be a hint saying "don't go NV unless absolutely unavoidable", such
as "sin(2)".  For division such as 2/3, NV could still be be default
unless a "use bigrat" is in effect.

$jhi++; # http://www.iki.fi/jhi/
        # There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'.
        # It is 'dead'. -- Jack Cohen

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