At 01:51 PM 11/30/00 -0500, Buddha Buck wrote:
>At 05:59 PM 11-30-2000 +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote:
>>On Thu, Nov 30, 2000 at 12:46:26PM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
>(Note, Dan was writing about "$a=1.2; $b=3; $c = $a + $b")
>>$a=1; $b =3; $c = $a + $b
>> > If they don't exist already, then something like:
>> >
>> >          newscalar       a, num, 1.2
>> >          newscalar       b, int, 3
>> >          newscalar       c, num, 0
>> >          add             t3, a, b
>>and $c ends up a num?
>>why that line "newscalar c, num, 0" ?
>>It looks to me like add needs to be polymorphic and work out the best
>>compromise for the type of scalar to create based on the integer/num/
>>complex/oddball types of its two operands.
>I think the "add t3, a, b" was a typo, and should be "add c, a, b"

D'oh! Yup. Cut'n'paste error.

>Another way of looking at it, assuming that the Perl6 interpreter is 
>stack-based, not register-based, is that the sequence would get converted 
>into something like this:
>     push      num 1.3  ;; literal can be precomputed at compile time
>     dup
>     newscaler a        ;; get value from top of stack
>     push      int 3    ;; literal can be precomputed at compile time
>     dup
>     newscaler b
>     push      a
>     push      b
>     add
>     newscaler c

That looks about right, though I'm not sure we should use a stack-based 
instead of register-based model. (Well, register and stack) I can see going 
either way, but that's a different argument. (Unfortunately all the 
stack-based interpreters I've used are all-software, while all the 
register-based ones are all hardware (i.e. real assembly) so I don't have 
an even basis for comparison)

>The "add" op would, in C code, do something like:
>void add() {
>   P6Scaler *addend;
>   P6Scaler *adder;
>   addend = pop();  adder = pop();
>   push addend->vtable->add(addend, adder);
>it would be up to the addend->vtable->add() to figure out how to do the 
>actual addition, and what type to return.

Yup. I think it'll be a little more complex than that in the call, 
something like:

   addend->vtable->(add[typeof adder])(adder);

The extra level of indirection may hurt in the general case, but I think 
it's a win to call the "add an int scalar to me" function rather than have 
a generic "add this scalar to me" function that figures out the type of the 
scalar passed and then Does The Right Thing. I hope. (Yeah, I'm betting 
that the extra indirect will be cheaper than the extra code. But I'm not 
writing that in stone until we can do some benchmarking)


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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