On Wed, 6 Dec 2000, Bradley M. Kuhn wrote:

> And, it will make the barrier for entry for new internals hacker lower.

Really?  Do you honestly believe there are more Java programmers than C
programmers?  Particularily in the Perl development community!

> I would note that if we write in Java, we aren't targeting a single
> compiler, although at the moment, the only efficient compiler for Java might
> be GCJ.

It speaks volumes that the only efficient compiler is vaporware.  How fast
is it?  Who knows - it's not finished!  Does it have major flaws?
Probably - but just wait and see how fast it is!

Let's move on - C is our only real option.  It's portable enough (proven
by perl5), it's fast enough (or nothing is) and we already have in-house
experts to lead the implementation.  Are we serriously considering
anything else?  PIL?  If someone here has a real proposal for a
better-than-cpp macro language then let's hear it.  It's worth considering
in a purely abstract keep-an-open-mind sense.


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