Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 06:05 PM 12/12/00 +0000, David Mitchell wrote:
> >Also, some of the standard perumations would also need to do some 
> >re-invoking, eg
> >($int - $num) would invoke Int->sub[NUM](sv1,sv2,0), which itself would 
> >just fall
> >through to Num->sub[INT](sv2,sv1,1) - the 0/1 paramter indictating whether 
> >args
> >have been swapped.
> >????
> Nope. int->sub[num](sv1, sv2) would have a function body that would look 
> something like:
>      return(Num->new((NV)sv1->int - get_num(sv2)));
> Basically the integer subtraction routine knows that when passed a numeric 
> arf that it needs to return a number rather than an integer. The function 
> will probably be a little more complex than that, but that's the gist of it.

Hmm, the problem with this is that all built-in numeric types need to
be able to handle all other built-in numeric types. Consider for
example if we decide Perl has a builtin arbitrary-precision bigint
type. Then the sub[bigint] function within the int vtable needs to know
how to perform multiple-precision arithmetic. In this case surely it is
better to forward the request to the module that knows about it, and so
better preserve encapsulation? 

> >1. Does the Perl 6 language require some explicit syntax and/or semnatics to
> >handle multiple and user-defined numeric types?
> >Eg "my type $scalar",  "$i + integer($r1+$r2)" and so on.
> Gack. No, not unless we're forced to. This sort of thing should be 
> invisible. (This isn't C, after all...)

I wasnt suggesting that such extra syntax should be part of day-to-day usage
(by all means allow perl to automagically 'do the right thing'), but rather
I was wondering whether explicit language features should be available to
give users fine-grained control when the need it; eg perl5 provides 'use integer',
and 'int()' which provide crude control over IVs vs NVs, and if we suddenly have
lots of *Vs, do we also need similar but more gernealised syntax????

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