>>>>> "DC" == Daniel Chetlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DC> Which of these two behaviors do you find more useful:

  DC>   [~] $ perl -le'$c=1;$c*=$_ for (2..170);print $c'
  DC>   7.25741561530799e+306
  DC>   [~] $ perl -le'$c=1;$c*=$_ for (2..171);print $c'
  DC>   inf

i am not worried about those conditions. it is just a case of specifying
things cleanly. if the default is overflow to bigint, then how would you
get back to regular ints? or go between int and float? it just isn't
clear to me but then i can be very foggy. 

  DC> Oh, and in case you're wondering, both of the Ruby commands are *fast*.
  DC> As compared to our core module, Math::BigInt, which is slower than
  DC> molasses even after you bother to `use' it, deal with the interface, and
  DC> do things by hand.

that just means we need a better bigint implementation then the perl5
module (maybe we could steal ruby's? :). and i agree it should be
tightly integrated in the core with the vtable stuff. it is just the
semantics of overflow and conversion that are not well specified
IMO. this is the kind of thing that should have been fought out in the
rfc wars. :)


Uri Guttman  ---------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ----------  http://www.sysarch.com
SYStems ARCHitecture, Software Engineering, Perl, Internet, UNIX Consulting
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