Dan Sugalski wrote:

> *) If, and *only* if, a variable is marked as shared, then its vtable
> function pointer is replaced with a threadsafe version. (Or, rather, a
> pointer to the 'use in case of threads' table--strictly speaking it doesn't
> have to do any locking, but that would be pretty stupid) Multiple threads
> can access the shared data (the thread that shared it and any threads it
> spawns). We do no user-level locking, and if the low-level locking that the
> vtable functions do to ensure we don't core dump is really expensive, well,
> too darned bad)

Hmm.  Might be easier to say that shared variables are visible to all
threads.  I'm not sure that a parent/child relationship makes much sense
between threads, and your proposal kinda implies that sort of

> *) We *will* yank out any promises of what threads signals (or any async
> event) fire off in. I really, *really* want to toss the promise of being
> able to die from within a signal handler that catches a real signal, but I
> don't know that Larry will go for that. (Expecting sane shutdown when you
> essentially puke from within an interrupt handler's always struck me as a
> semi-odd thing, though I understand the utility) to some extent

If perl signal handlers are dispatched from the main loop at specified
cancellation-safe points then calling die from a perl-level signal
handler should be doable.  The underlying C level handler will just have
to be careful not to do anything that isn't async signal safe.  If perl
gets a proper event loop, aren't signals just another event?

As for continuing the current pretence that you can write a 'real'
signal handler in perl - well, even Larry can't make it so merely by
wishing it so.

> * We may put in a mechanism to direct an interrupt at a particular thread
> (and probably will have to to preserve the 'die from a signal handler'
> stuff, but that'll only work for perl-generated events and non-fatal
> synchronous signals (of which there are very few))

What about automatically having a dedicated signal handling thread for
any program that is user-level threaded?  

> I don't know what Larry will want from a language perspective, but this is
> what he'll get from the core engine. I think this is the smallest safe set
> of things we can do, and I'm reasonably sure that everything else anyone
> might want can be layered on top, albeit slowly in some cases.

A very sound strategy IMHO.

Alan Burlison

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