On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 02:54:04PM -0500, Stephen P. Potter wrote:
> Is this (these) thread(s) to the point where it is worth spinning off a new
> sublist?  If a couple of the main contributors (Dan, Simon,

Hey, I proudly know *nothing* about GC.

> say yes, can we get perl6-internals-gc created?

Didn't we already have one? What did it achieve?

It's a short step from using alt.binaries.warez.protocol-droids.c3p0 to
Palpatine seeing a post along the lines of: "CA|\| NE1 0N Th]5 BB0ARD T3Ll M3
H0w 2 GeT KeWL S]Th P0WeRZ!?!?!?!??!?"  The rest is, well, a couple
more overly-hyped ILM graphics demos.  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] in ASR

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