At Thu, 22 Mar 2001 13:37:29 -0800,
John Harper wrote:
> |>  I've looked, a little, (and months ago at that) at the LibREP (ala
> |>  "sawfish") virtual machine.  It's a pretty good indirect threaded VM
> |>  that uses techniques pioneered by Forth engines.  It utilizes the GCC
> |>  ability to take the address of a label to build a jump table indexed
> |>  by opcode.  Very efficient.
> |
> |It is not very portable. I don't believe it will be any faster than
> |switch case.
> IIRC it was at least 10% faster; portability is maintained by falling
> back to switch on non-gcc systems

In my experiment with Guile VM (which uses the same technique as rep's),
it is 50% faster:

 [ labels as values ]
 gcil@user> ,time (fib 30)
 $1 = 1346269
 clock utime stime cutime cstime gctime
  3.14  3.02  0.12   0.00   0.00   0.00

 [ switch ]
 gcil@user> ,time (fib 30)
 $1 = 1346269
 clock utime stime cutime cstime gctime
  4.76  4.70  0.06   0.00   0.00   0.00

This is a result of 30,000,000 VM instruction calls and purely
reflects the difference between the two, I believe.


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