> Register based. Untyped registers; I'm hoping that the vtable stuff can be
> sufficiently optimized that there'll be no major win in 
> storing multiple copies of a PMC's data in different types knocking
> For those yet to be convinced by the benefits of registers over stacks,
> grokking in fullness what op scratchpads are about. Ooh look, registers.

I think "stack based =~ register based". If we don't have Java-like "jsr" 
and "ret", every bytecode inside one method always operates on the same
depth, therefore we can just treat the "locals + stack" as a flat register
file. A single pass can translate stack based code into register based code.

For example:
  push local #3; => move #(max_local + opcode_stack_depth), #3

  push local #3; push local #4; add; pop local #5; => add #5, #3, #4

  push local #3; push local #4; call foo; pop #6; => call_2 #6, #3, #4

As long as stack based system is carefully designed, we can easily add
linear-cost translation step to convert it into register based bytecode,
and run it faster.


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