> > What happens if unicode supported uppercase and lowercase numbers?
> > [I had a dig about, and it doesn't seem to mention lowercase or
> > uppercase digits. Are they just a typography distinction, 
> and hence not
> > enough to be worthy of codepoints?]
> Damned if I know; I didn't know there even was such a thing.
> Uppercase vs. lowercase for letters is more than a 
> typographic distinction
> for many languages; there are words in English, for example, with a
> different meaning depending on whether they're capitalized (since
> capitalization indicates a proper noun).  If there is some similar
> distinction of meaning for numbers in some language, I suppose that
> Unicode may add such a thing; to date, there doesn't appear to be any
> concept of uppercase or lowercase for anything but letters.

There does exist half-width digits and full-width digits (widely used in
chinese). They create similar problem.


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