On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 08:48:48PM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> At 04:56 PM 9/10/2001 -0700, Brent Dax wrote:
> >This patch seems to work on the FreeBSD box I have access to.  Now to 
> >figure out what's causing all those 'use of uninitialized value at 
> >assembler.pl line 81' messages...
> It's the blank lines in opcode_table. The assembler (and disassembler) at 
> some point didn't grok 'em. Patches have been applied, but you might've 
> checked out before that happened.

No, in this case, it's my fault.  I didn't realize the assembler
reads op name/number mappings out of interp_guts.h, so my patch
broke the assembler.

I'm thinking of writing something to generate a Parrot::Opcode.pm
module, so code doesn't need to parse opcode_table and interp_guts.h.
Sound reasonable?

                           - Damien

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