The following patch moves all parsing of opcode_table into a
Parrot::Opcode module.  It also removes all parsing of interp_guts.h.
This patch incorporates my earlier patches to prefix all C opcode
functions with "Perl_op_".

As best I can tell, everything works the same with the patch as it
did before--the assembler and disassembler both generate identical
output, and test_prog runs as well as before.  (Or better on FreeBSD,
where it stops core dumping. :>)

                          - Damien

diff -r --new-file -u parrot.orig/Parrot/ parrot/Parrot/
--- parrot.orig/Parrot/        Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
+++ parrot/Parrot/     Mon Sep 10 23:52:35 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+package Parrot::Opcode;
+use strict;
+use Symbol;
+sub read_ops {
+    my $file = @_ ? shift : "opcode_table";
+    my $fh = gensym;
+    open $fh, $file or die "$file: $!\n";
+    my %opcode;
+    my $count = 1;
+    while (<$fh>) {
+       s/#.*//;
+       s/^\s+//;
+       chomp;
+       next unless $_;
+       my($name, @params) = split /\s+/;
+       if (@params && $params[0] =~ /^\d+$/) {
+           my $count = shift @params;
+           die "$file, line $.: opcode $name parameters don't match count\n"
+             if ($count != @params);
+       }
+       warn "$file, line $.: opcode $name redefined\n" if $opcode{$name};
+       $opcode{$name}{ARGS}  = @params;
+       $opcode{$name}{TYPES} = \@params;
+       $opcode{$name}{CODE}  = ($name eq "end") ? 0 : $count++;
+       $opcode{$name}{FUNC}  = "Parrot_op_$name";
+       my $num_i = () = grep {/i/} @params;
+       my $num_n = () = grep {/n/} @params;
+       $opcode{$name}{RETURN_OFFSET} = 1 + $num_i + $num_n * 2;
+    }
+    return %opcode;
+=head1 NAME
+Parrot::Opcode - Read opcode definitions
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Parrot::Opcode;
+  %opcodes = Parrot::Opcode::read_ops();
+The read_ops() function parses the Parrot opcode_table file, and
+returns the contents as a hash.  The hash key is the opcode name;
+values are hashrefs containing the following fields:
+=item CODE
+The opcode number.
+=item ARGS
+The opcode argument count.
+=item TYPES
+The opcode argument types, as an arrayref.
+=item FUNC
+The name of the C function implementing this op.
+read_ops() takes an optional argument: the file to read the opcode table
diff -r --new-file -u parrot.orig/ parrot/
--- parrot.orig/     Mon Sep 10 14:26:08 2001
+++ parrot/  Mon Sep 10 23:51:34 2001
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 # - take a parrot assembly file and spit out a bytecode file
 use strict;
+use Parrot::Opcode;
 my(%opcodes, %labels);
@@ -12,23 +13,7 @@
 my $sizeof_packi = length(pack($pack_type{i},1024));
-open GUTS, "interp_guts.h";
-my $opcode;
-while (<GUTS>) {
-    next unless /\tx\[(\d+)\] = ([a-z_]+);/;
-    $opcodes{$2}{CODE} = $1;
-open OPCODES, "<opcode_table" or die "Can't get opcode table, $!/$^E";
-while (<OPCODES>) {
-    next if /^\s*#/;
-    chomp;
-    s/^\s+//;
-    next unless $_;
-    my ($name, $args, @types) = split /\s+/, $_;
-    $opcodes{$name}{ARGS} = $args;
-    $opcodes{$name}{TYPES} = [@types];
+%opcodes = Parrot::Opcode::read_ops();
 my $pc = 0;
 my @code;
diff -r --new-file -u parrot.orig/ 
--- parrot.orig/ Mon Sep 10 14:26:09 2001
+++ parrot/      Mon Sep 10 23:53:26 2001
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 # !/usr/bin/perl -w
 use strict;
+use Parrot::Opcode;
 open INTERP, "> interp_guts.h" or die "Can't open interp_guts.h, $!/$^E";
-open OPCODES, "opcode_table" or die "Can't open opcode_table, $!/$^E";
 print INTERP <<CONST;
@@ -18,16 +17,8 @@
 #define BUILD_TABLE(x) do { \\
-my $count = 1;
-while (<OPCODES>) {
-    chomp;
-    s/#.*$//;
-    s/^\s+//;
-    next unless $_;
-    my($name) = split /\s+/;
-    my $num = $count;
-    $num = 0 if $name eq 'end';
-    print INTERP "\tx[$num] = $name; \\\n";
-    $count++ unless $name eq 'end';
+my %opcodes = Parrot::Opcode::read_ops();
+for my $name (sort {$opcodes{$a}{CODE} <=> $opcodes{$b}{CODE}} keys %opcodes) {
+    print INTERP "\tx[$opcodes{$name}{CODE}] = $opcodes{$name}{FUNC}; \\\n";
 print INTERP "} while (0);\n";
diff -r --new-file -u parrot.orig/ parrot/
--- parrot.orig/  Mon Sep 10 14:45:33 2001
+++ parrot/       Mon Sep 10 23:57:36 2001
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 use strict;
 my(%opcodes, @opcodes);
+use Parrot::Opcode;
 my %unpack_type;
 %unpack_type = (i => 'l',
@@ -16,28 +17,10 @@
                   n => 8,
-open GUTS, "interp_guts.h";
-my $opcode;
-while (<GUTS>) {
-    next unless /\tx\[(\d+)\] = ([a-z_]+);/;
-    $opcodes{$2}{CODE} = $1;
-open OPCODES, "<opcode_table" or die "Can't get opcode table, $!/$^E";
-while (<OPCODES>) {
-    next if /^\s*#/;
-    s/^\s+//;
-    chomp;
-    next unless $_;
-    my ($name, $args, @types) = split /\s+/, $_;
-    next unless defined $name;
-    $opcodes{$name}{ARGS} = $args;
-    $opcodes{$name}{TYPES} = [@types];
-    my $code = $opcodes{$name}{CODE};
-    $opcodes[$code] = {NAME => $name,
-                      ARGS => $args,
-                      TYPES => [@types]
-                      }
+%opcodes = Parrot::Opcode::read_ops();
+for my $name (keys %opcodes) {
+    $opcodes[$opcodes{$name}{CODE}] = { NAME => $name,
+                                       %{$opcodes{$name}} };
 $/ = \4;
diff -r --new-file -u parrot.orig/ parrot/
--- parrot.orig/       Mon Sep 10 14:26:09 2001
+++ parrot/    Mon Sep 10 23:53:09 2001
@@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
 # rip through opcode_table and spit out a chunk of C header for the
 # functions in it
-while (<>) {
-    next if /^\s*#/ or /^\s*$/;
-    chomp;
-    ($name, undef) = split /\t/, $_;
-    print "IV *$name(IV *, struct Perl_Interp *);\n";
+use strict;
+use Parrot::Opcode;
+my %opcodes = Parrot::Opcode::read_ops();
+for my $name (sort {$opcodes{$a}{CODE}<=>$opcodes{$b}{CODE}} keys %opcodes) {
+    print "IV *$opcodes{$name}{FUNC}(IV *, struct Perl_Interp *);\n";
diff -r --new-file -u parrot.orig/ parrot/
--- parrot.orig/       Mon Sep 10 14:26:09 2001
+++ parrot/    Mon Sep 10 23:52:57 2001
@@ -30,40 +30,9 @@
 # of the return offset, are taken from the opcode_table file
 use strict;
+use Parrot::Opcode;
-my %opcode;
-open GUTS, "interp_guts.h";
-my $opcode;
-while (<GUTS>) {
-    next unless /\tx\[(\d+)\] = ([a-z_]+);/;
-    $opcode{$2}{OPNUM} = $1;
-open OPCODE, "opcode_table" or die "Can't open opcode_table, $!/$^E";
-while (<OPCODE>) {
-    s/#.*//;
-    s/^\s+//;
-    chomp;
-    next unless $_;
-    my ($name, $params, @params) = split /\s+/;
-    $opcode{$name}{PARAM_COUNT} = $params;
-    $opcode{$name}{PARAM_ARRAY} = \@params;
-    my $num_i = () = grep {/i/} @params;
-    my $num_n = () = grep {/n/} @params;
-    $opcode{$name}{RETURN_OFFSET} = 1 + $num_i + $num_n * 2;
-    my $count = 1;
-    $opcode{$name}{PARAMETER_SUB} = ["", 
-                                    map {if ($_ eq "n") { 
-                                        my $temp = '*(NV *)&cur_opcode[' . $count . 
-                                        $count += 2;
-                                        $temp;
-                                    } else {
-                                        "cur_opcode[" . $count++ . "]"
-                                        }
-                                     } @params];
+my %opcodes = Parrot::Opcode::read_ops();
 my $file = $ARGV[0];
 open INPUT, $file or die "Can't open $file, $!/$^E";
@@ -72,16 +41,29 @@
 open OUTPUT, ">$file" or die "Can't open $file, $!/$^E";
-my($name, $footer);
+my($name, $footer, @param_sub);
 while (<INPUT>) {
     if (/^AUTO_OP/) {
        ($name, $footer) = emit_auto_header($_);
-       next;
     if (/^MANUAL_OP/) {
        ($name, $footer) = emit_manual_header($_);
+    }
+    if (/^(AUTO|MANUAL)_OP/) {
+       my $count = 1;
+       @param_sub = ("", 
+                     map {if ($_ eq "n") { 
+                         my $temp = '*(NV *)&cur_opcode[' . $count . ']';
+                         $count += 2;
+                         $temp;
+                     } else {
+                         "cur_opcode[" . $count++ . "]"
+                     }
+                      } @{$opcodes{$name}{TYPES}});
@@ -91,7 +73,7 @@
     s/RETURN\((.*)\)/return cur_opcode + $1/;
-    s/\bP(\d+)\b/$opcode{$name}{PARAMETER_SUB}[$1]/g;
+    s/\bP(\d+)\b/$param_sub[$1]/g;
     if (/^}/) {
         print OUTPUT $footer, "\n";
@@ -104,17 +86,20 @@
 sub emit_auto_header {
     my $line = shift;
     my ($name) = $line =~ /AUTO_OP\s+(\w+)/;
-    print OUTPUT "IV *$name(IV cur_opcode[], struct Perl_Interp *interpreter) {\n";
-    return($name, "  return cur_opcode + "
-    . $opcode{$name}{RETURN_OFFSET}. ";\n}\n");
+    my $num_i = () = grep {/i/} @{$opcodes{$name}{TYPES}};
+    my $num_n = () = grep {/n/} @{$opcodes{$name}{TYPES}};
+    my $return_offset = 1 + $num_i + $num_n * 2;
+    print OUTPUT "IV *$opcodes{$name}{FUNC}(IV cur_opcode[], struct Perl_Interp 
+*interpreter) {\n";
+    return($name, "  return cur_opcode + " . $return_offset . ";\n}\n");
 sub emit_manual_header {
     my $line = shift;
     my ($name) = $line =~ /MANUAL_OP\s+(\w+)/;
-    print OUTPUT "IV *$name(IV cur_opcode[], struct Perl_Interp *interpreter) {\n";
+    print OUTPUT "IV *$opcodes{$name}{FUNC}(IV cur_opcode[], struct Perl_Interp 
+*interpreter) {\n";
     print OUTPUT "  IV return_offset = 1;\n";
     return($name, "  return cur_opcode + return_offset;\n}\n");

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