I just ran purify against the current Parrot CVS as of today at 10 AM PDT.

Here are the results:

jwilmes@jwilmes-sun:/apps/users/jwilmes/devel/parrot$ ./test_prog test.pbc
****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2187 at Wed Sep 12 10:05:34 2001)
  * Purify 5.2 Solaris 2 (32-bit), Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Rational Software Corp. All 
rights reserved. 
  * For contact information type: "purify -help"
  * Command-line: test_prog 
  * Options settings: -purify -windows=no \
  * License successfully checked out.
  * Command-line: ./test_prog test.pbc 
I reg 1 is 1000314334
I reg 5 is 1000314563
I reg 2 is 10000000
I reg 2 is 229
I reg 4 is 30000000

****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2187)  ****
UMR: Uninitialized memory read:
  * This is occurring while in:
        _unpacked_to_decimal_two [libc.so.1]
        __k_quadruple_to_decimal [libc.so.1]
        quadruple_to_decimal [libc.so.1]
        qfconvert      [libc.so.1]
        _doprnt        [libc.so.1]
        printf         [libc.so.1]
  * Reading 1 byte from 0xffbeda40 on the stack.
  * Address 0xffbeda40 is     1024 bytes below frame pointer in function 
N reg 1 is 30000000.000000
I reg 2 is 229
N reg 2 is 229.000000
N reg 1 is 131004.366812

****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2187)  ****
Current file descriptors in use: 6
FIU: file descriptor 0: <stdin>
FIU: file descriptor 1: <stdout>
FIU: file descriptor 2: <stderr>
FIU: file descriptor 3: "test.pbc", O_RDONLY
   * File info: -rw-r--r--  1 jwilmes  eman           268 Sep 12 10:03
   * File position: 0
   * This file descriptor was allocated from:
        __open         [libc.so.1]
        _open          [libc.so.1]
        main           [test_main.c:62]
        _start         [crt1.o]
FIU: file descriptor 26: <reserved for Purify internal use>
FIU: file descriptor 27: <reserved for Purify internal use>

****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2187)  ****
Purify: Searching for all memory leaks...

Memory leaked: 52 bytes (0.0793%); potentially leaked: 65536 bytes (99.9%)

MLK: 52 bytes leaked at 0xa0520
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Sys_Allocate   [memory.c:35]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:24]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 32768 bytes potentially leaked at 0xa2600
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Allocate_Aligned [memory.c:27]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:30]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 8192 bytes potentially leaked at 0xa05a8
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Allocate_Aligned [memory.c:27]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:29]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 8192 bytes potentially leaked at 0xaa658
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Allocate_Aligned [memory.c:27]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:31]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 8192 bytes potentially leaked at 0xac6b0
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Allocate_Aligned [memory.c:27]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:32]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 8192 bytes potentially leaked at 0xae708
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Sys_Allocate   [memory.c:35]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:75]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

Purify Heap Analysis (combining suppressed and unsuppressed blocks)
                         Blocks        Bytes
              Leaked          1           52
  Potentially Leaked          5        65536
              In-Use          0            0
     Total Allocated          6        65588

****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2187)  ****
  * Program exited with status code 0.
  * 1 access error, 2 total occurrences.
  * 52 bytes leaked.
  * 65536 bytes potentially leaked.
  * Basic memory usage (including Purify overhead):
    432500 code
    93044 data/bss
    73728 heap (peak use)
    2688 stack
  * Shared library memory usage (including Purify overhead):
    1456 libpure_solaris2_init.so.1 (shared code)
    252 libpure_solaris2_init.so.1 (private data)
    1051960 libc.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32_1115336 (shared code)
    108024 libc.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32_1115336 (private data)
    2316 libdl.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32_4528 (shared code)
    4 libdl.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32_4528 (private data)
    13528 libinternal_stubs.so.1 (shared code)
    916 libinternal_stubs.so.1 (private data)
    14284 libc_psr.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32 (shared code)
    0 libc_psr.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32 (private data)
  * Memory mapped usage:
    8192 mmap'd at 0xfebf0000

jwilmes@jwilmes-sun:/apps/users/jwilmes/devel/parrot$ ./test_prog test2.pbc 
****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2331 at Wed Sep 12 10:11:19 2001)
  * Purify 5.2 Solaris 2 (32-bit), Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Rational Software Corp. All 
rights reserved. 
  * For contact information type: "purify -help"
  * Command-line: test_prog 
  * Options settings: -purify -windows=no \
  * License successfully checked out.
  * Command-line: ./test_prog test2.pbc 
S reg 1 is Hello World
S reg 1 is Hello Worl
S reg 1 is Hello Wor
S reg 1 is Hello Wo
S reg 1 is Hello W
S reg 1 is Hello 
S reg 1 is Hello
S reg 1 is Hell
S reg 1 is Hel
S reg 1 is He
S reg 1 is H

****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2331)  ****
Current file descriptors in use: 6
FIU: file descriptor 0: <stdin>
FIU: file descriptor 1: <stdout>
FIU: file descriptor 2: <stderr>
FIU: file descriptor 3: "test2.pbc", O_RDONLY
   * File info: -rw-r--r--  1 jwilmes  eman           144 Sep 12 10:05
   * File position: 0
   * This file descriptor was allocated from:
        __open         [libc.so.1]
        _open          [libc.so.1]
        main           [test_main.c:62]
        _start         [crt1.o]
FIU: file descriptor 26: <reserved for Purify internal use>
FIU: file descriptor 27: <reserved for Purify internal use>

****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2331)  ****
Purify: Searching for all memory leaks...

Memory leaked: 52 bytes (0.0792%); potentially leaked: 65536 bytes (99.8%)

MLK: 52 bytes leaked at 0xa0520
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Sys_Allocate   [memory.c:35]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:24]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 32768 bytes potentially leaked at 0xa2600
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Allocate_Aligned [memory.c:27]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:30]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 8192 bytes potentially leaked at 0xa05a8
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Allocate_Aligned [memory.c:27]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:29]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 8192 bytes potentially leaked at 0xaa658
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Allocate_Aligned [memory.c:27]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:31]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 8192 bytes potentially leaked at 0xac6b0
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Allocate_Aligned [memory.c:27]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:32]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 8192 bytes potentially leaked at 0xae708
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Sys_Allocate   [memory.c:35]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:75]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

Purify Heap Analysis (combining suppressed and unsuppressed blocks)
                         Blocks        Bytes
              Leaked          1           52
  Potentially Leaked          5        65536
              In-Use          3           51
     Total Allocated          9        65639

****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2331)  ****
  * Program exited with status code 0.
  * 0 access errors, 0 total occurrences.
  * 52 bytes leaked.
  * 65536 bytes potentially leaked.
  * Basic memory usage (including Purify overhead):
    432500 code
    93044 data/bss
    73728 heap (peak use)
    2688 stack
  * Shared library memory usage (including Purify overhead):
    1456 libpure_solaris2_init.so.1 (shared code)
    252 libpure_solaris2_init.so.1 (private data)
    1051960 libc.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32_1115336 (shared code)
    108024 libc.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32_1115336 (private data)
    2316 libdl.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32_4528 (shared code)
    4 libdl.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32_4528 (private data)
    13528 libinternal_stubs.so.1 (shared code)
    916 libinternal_stubs.so.1 (private data)
    14284 libc_psr.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32 (shared code)
    0 libc_psr.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32 (private data)
  * Memory mapped usage:
    8192 mmap'd at 0xfebf0000

You have new mail in /var/mail/jwilmes
jwilmes@jwilmes-sun:/apps/users/jwilmes/devel/parrot$ ./test_prog test3.pbc 
****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2338 at Wed Sep 12 10:11:30 2001)
  * Purify 5.2 Solaris 2 (32-bit), Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Rational Software Corp. All 
rights reserved. 
  * For contact information type: "purify -help"
  * Command-line: test_prog 
  * Options settings: -purify -windows=no \
  * License successfully checked out.
  * Command-line: ./test_prog test3.pbc 
I reg 1 is 0
I reg 1 is 1
I reg 1 is 2
I reg 1 is 3
I reg 1 is 4
I reg 1 is 5
I reg 1 is 6
I reg 1 is 7
I reg 1 is 8
I reg 1 is 9
I reg 1 is 0
I reg 1 is 1
I reg 1 is 2
I reg 1 is 3
I reg 1 is 4
I reg 1 is 5
I reg 1 is 6
I reg 1 is 7
I reg 1 is 8
I reg 1 is 9
I reg 1 is 9
I reg 1 is 8
I reg 1 is 7
I reg 1 is 6

****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2338)  ****
UMR: Uninitialized memory read:
  * This is occurring while in:
        print_i        [basic_opcodes.c:148]
        runops         [interpreter.c:17]
        main           [test_main.c:76]
        _start         [crt1.o]
  * Reading 4 bytes from 0xa1814 in the heap.
  * Address 0xa1814 is 4716 bytes into a malloc'd block at 0xa05a8 of 8192 bytes.
  * This block was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Allocate_Aligned [memory.c:27]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:29]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]
I reg 1 is 0
I reg 1 is 4
I reg 1 is 3
I reg 1 is 2
I reg 1 is 1
I reg 1 is 0
I reg 1 is 9
I reg 1 is 8
I reg 1 is 7
I reg 1 is 6
I reg 1 is 5
I reg 1 is 4
I reg 1 is 3
I reg 1 is 2
I reg 1 is 1
I reg 1 is 0
I reg 1 is 0
I reg 1 is 1
I reg 1 is 2
I reg 1 is 3
I reg 1 is 4
I reg 1 is 5
I reg 1 is 6
I reg 1 is 7
I reg 1 is 8
I reg 1 is 9
I reg 1 is 0
I reg 1 is 1
I reg 1 is 2
I reg 1 is 3
I reg 1 is 4
I reg 1 is 5
I reg 1 is 6
I reg 1 is 7
I reg 1 is 8
I reg 1 is 9
I reg 1 is 9
I reg 1 is 8
I reg 1 is 7
I reg 1 is 6
I reg 1 is 0
I reg 1 is 4
I reg 1 is 3
I reg 1 is 2
I reg 1 is 1
I reg 1 is 0
I reg 1 is 9
I reg 1 is 8
I reg 1 is 7
I reg 1 is 6
I reg 1 is 5
I reg 1 is 4
I reg 1 is 3
I reg 1 is 2
I reg 1 is 1
I reg 1 is 0

****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2338)  ****
IPR: Invalid pointer read:
  * This is occurring while in:
        runops         [interpreter.c:16]
        main           [test_main.c:76]
        _start         [crt1.o]
  * Reading 4 bytes from 0xfebf059c between the heap and the stack.

****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2338)  ****
Current file descriptors in use: 6
FIU: file descriptor 0: <stdin>
FIU: file descriptor 1: <stdout>
FIU: file descriptor 2: <stderr>
FIU: file descriptor 3: "test3.pbc", O_RDONLY
   * File info: -rw-r--r--  1 jwilmes  eman          1436 Sep 12 10:05
   * File position: 0
   * This file descriptor was allocated from:
        __open         [libc.so.1]
        _open          [libc.so.1]
        main           [test_main.c:62]
        _start         [crt1.o]
FIU: file descriptor 26: <reserved for Purify internal use>
FIU: file descriptor 27: <reserved for Purify internal use>

****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2338)  ****
Purify: Searching for all memory leaks...

Memory leaked: 52 bytes (0.0634%); potentially leaked: 81920 bytes (99.9%)

MLK: 52 bytes leaked at 0xa0520
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Sys_Allocate   [memory.c:35]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:24]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 32768 bytes potentially leaked at 0xa2600
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Allocate_Aligned [memory.c:27]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:30]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 16384 bytes potentially leaked in 2 blocks
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Allocate_Aligned [memory.c:27]
        Parrot_push_i  [register.c:21]
        push_i         [basic_opcodes.c:330]
        runops         [interpreter.c:17]
        main           [test_main.c:76]
  * Block of 8192 bytes (2 times); last block at 0xb27b8

PLK: 8192 bytes potentially leaked at 0xa05a8
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Allocate_Aligned [memory.c:27]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:29]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 8192 bytes potentially leaked at 0xaa658
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Allocate_Aligned [memory.c:27]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:31]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 8192 bytes potentially leaked at 0xac6b0
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Allocate_Aligned [memory.c:27]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:32]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

PLK: 8192 bytes potentially leaked at 0xae708
  * This memory was allocated from:
        malloc         [rtlib.o]
        Sys_Allocate   [memory.c:35]
        make_interpreter [interpreter.c:75]
        main           [test_main.c:26]
        _start         [crt1.o]

Purify Heap Analysis (combining suppressed and unsuppressed blocks)
                         Blocks        Bytes
              Leaked          1           52
  Potentially Leaked          7        81920
              In-Use          0            0
     Total Allocated          8        81972

****  Purify instrumented test_prog (pid 2338)  ****
  * Program exited with status code 0.
  * 2 access errors, 3 total occurrences.
  * 52 bytes leaked.
  * 81920 bytes potentially leaked.
  * Basic memory usage (including Purify overhead):
    432500 code
    93044 data/bss
    90112 heap (peak use)
    2688 stack
  * Shared library memory usage (including Purify overhead):
    1456 libpure_solaris2_init.so.1 (shared code)
    252 libpure_solaris2_init.so.1 (private data)
    1051960 libc.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32_1115336 (shared code)
    108024 libc.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32_1115336 (private data)
    2316 libdl.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32_4528 (shared code)
    4 libdl.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32_4528 (private data)
    13528 libinternal_stubs.so.1 (shared code)
    916 libinternal_stubs.so.1 (private data)
    14284 libc_psr.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32 (shared code)
    0 libc_psr.so.1_pure_p3_c0_520_57_32 (private data)
  * Memory mapped usage:
    8192 mmap'd at 0xfebf0000


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