--- Brian Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Index: assemble.pl
> RCS file: /home/perlcvs/parrot/assemble.pl,v
> retrieving revision 1.14
> diff -r1.14 assemble.pl
> 7a8
> > use Getopt::Long;
> 9,12c10,33
> < my $opt_c;
> < if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq "-c") {
> <     shift @ARGV;
> <     $opt_c = 1;
> ---
> > my %options;
> > GetOptions(\%options,('checksyntax',
> >                   'help',
> >                   'version',
> >                   'verbose',
> >                   'output=s',
> >                   'listing=s'));
> > 

Could we please get in the habit of adding a -c or a -u to
our CVS diffs, just as we would with normal patches?

Many thanks,

-- BKS

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