> PLEASE can someone rewrite the tests to actually *test* things
> and print "ok 1\n" and so on?
Here it is ( for the second time )

> Quick, or I'll call Schwern in.
Ah, I thought you missed my patches, then I was correct
both attached 

Run with
perl -Mlib=lib t/harness
just as make test in perl5 

Tests live in t/*/*.t .
In case of failure the assembler, bytecode and output
are available as t/dir/testnnn.pasm/pbc/out

This patch adds:
an hints directory ( files are named hints/lc($^O).pl )
therir contents are eval'd in Config.pl

it adds to Config.pl some flags
   --debugging          Enable debugging

adds -g or equivalento to compiler flags

   --defaults           Accept all default values

like -d option to perl5 Configure

   --define name=value  Defines value name as value

i.e --define cc=gcc --define ld=myld

   --help               This text
   --version            Show assembler version

Win32 does not have mmap() ( it has memory mapped files, but with
a different API, so I just read() the bytecode in a malloc()ed

Compilation tested on Win32 (MSVC5 and MinGW ) and Linux

Best regards

P.S.: what should I do to make patches stand out better
      in the mailing list?
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   ---- File information -----------
     File:  things.diff
     Date:  14 Sep 2001, 18:32
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diff -r -b -u -2 -N parrot.cvs/lib/Test/Parrot.pm parrot/lib/Test/Parrot.pm
--- parrot.cvs/lib/Test/Parrot.pm       Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 1970
+++ parrot/lib/Test/Parrot.pm   Thu Sep 13 19:01:16 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+package Test::Parrot;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@EXPORT @ISA);
+require Exporter;
+require Test::More;
+@EXPORT = ( qw(output_is), @Test::More::EXPORT );
+@ISA = qw(Exporter Test::More);
+sub import {
+  my( $class, $plan, @args ) = @_;
+  Test::More->import( $plan, @args );
+  __PACKAGE__->_export_to_level( 2, __PACKAGE__ );
+# this kludge is an hopefully portable way of having
+# redirections ( tested on Linux and Win2k )
+sub _run_command {
+  my( $command, %redir ) = @_;
+  my( $redir_string );
+  while( my @dup = each %redir ) {
+    my( $from, $to ) = @dup;
+    if( $to eq 'STDERR' ) { $to = "qq{>&STDERR}" }
+    elsif( $to eq 'STDOUT' ) { $to = "qq{>&STDOUT}" }
+    elsif( $to eq '/dev/null' ) { $to = ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) ?
+                                      'qq{> NUL:}' : "qq{> $to}" }
+    else { $to = "qq{> $to}" }
+    $redir_string .= "open $from, $to;"
+  }
+  system "$^X -e \"$redir_string;system qq{$command};\"";
+my $count;
+foreach my $i ( qw(is isnt like) ) {
+  no strict 'refs';
+  *{"Test::Parrot::output_$i"} = sub ($$;$) {
+    ++$count;
+    my( $assembly, $output, $desc ) = @_;
+    local( *ASSEMBLY, *OUTPUT );
+    my( $as_f, $by_f, $out_f ) = map {
+      my $t = $0; $t =~ s/\.t$/$count\.$_/; $t
+    } ( qw(pasm pbc out) );
+    open ASSEMBLY, "> $as_f" or die "Unable to open '$as_f'";
+    binmode ASSEMBLY;
+    print ASSEMBLY $assembly;
+    close ASSEMBLY;
+    _run_command( "perl assemble.pl $as_f", 'STDOUT' => $by_f );
+    _run_command( "./test_prog $by_f", 'STDOUT' => $out_f );
+    my $prog_output;
+    open OUTPUT, "< $out_f";
+    {
+      local $/ = undef;
+      $prog_output = <OUTPUT>;
+    }
+    close OUTPUT;
+    @_ = ( $prog_output, $output, $desc );
+    #goto &{"Test::More::$i"};
+    my $ok = &{"Test::More::$i"}( @_ );
+    unlink( $by_f, $out_f ) if $ok;
+  }
diff -r -b -u -2 -N parrot.cvs/t/harness parrot/t/harness
--- parrot.cvs/t/harness        Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 1970
+++ parrot/t/harness    Thu Sep 13 17:36:08 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#! perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test::Harness qw(runtests);
+my @tests = map { glob( "t/$_/*.t" ) } ( qw(op misc) );
+runtests( @tests );
diff -r -b -u -2 -N parrot.cvs/t/op/basic.t parrot/t/op/basic.t
--- parrot.cvs/t/op/basic.t     Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 1970
+++ parrot/t/op/basic.t Fri Sep 14 01:42:44 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#! perl -w
+use Test::Parrot tests => 1;
+ok( 1 );
+exit 0;
+output_is( <<CODE, <<OUTPUT, "branch_ic" );
+       set_i_ic        I4, 42
+       branch_ic       HERE
+       set_i_ic        I4, 1234
+       print_i         I4
+       end
+I reg 4 is 42
+SKIP: {
+    skip( "label constants unimplemented in assembler", 1 );
+output_is( <<CODE, <<OUTPUT, "jump" );
+       set_i_ic        I4, 42
+       set_i_ic        I5, HERE
+       jump_i          I5
+       set_i_ic        I4, 1234
+       print_i         I4
+       end
+I reg 4 is 42
diff -r -b -u -2 -N parrot.cvs/t/op/string.t parrot/t/op/string.t
--- parrot.cvs/t/op/string.t    Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 1970
+++ parrot/t/op/string.t        Fri Sep 14 01:58:28 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#! perl -w
+use Test::Parrot tests => 4;
+output_is( <<'CODE', <<OUTPUT, "set_s_sc" );
+       set     S4, "JAPH\n"
+       print   S4
+       end
+output_is( <<'CODE', <<OUTPUT, "length_i_s" );
+       set     I4, 0
+       set     S4, "JAPH"
+       length  I4, S4
+       print   I4
+       set     S3, "\n"
+       print   S3
+       end
+output_is( <<'CODE', <<OUTPUT, "chopn_s_ic" );
+       set     S4, "JAPHxyzw"
+       set     S5, "japhXYZW"
+       set     S3, "\n"
+       chopn   S4, 3
+       chopn   S4, 1
+       chopn   S5, 4
+       print   S4
+       print   S3
+       print   S5
+       print   S3
+       end
+SKIP: {
+    skip "I'm unable to write it!", 1;
+output_is( <<'CODE', <<OUTPUT, "substr_s_s_i_i" );
+       set     S4, "12345JAPH01"
+       set     I4, 5
+       set     I5, 4
+       substr  S5, S4, I4, I5
+       print   S5
+       set     S3, "\n"
+       print   S3
+       end

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