Question.  It seems to me that the current do-loop:
 while(code > x && code < y && *code) { DO_OP }

Is fail-fast and succeed-slow. I know it has a brother:
 "while(*code)", but this could lead to seg-faults, especially if we allow
dynamically modified parsers / compilers.

The first method has an even more significant problem though.  Namely that
the interpreter can't possibly know how big the code-segment is, since
there is the possibility of dynamic loads of p-code or dynamically
generated "eval-code".  This is only an issue if parrot assumes a
late-bound compiler, but I'm under the impression that it's strictly
compatible with perl5 which obviously is.

>From this, an earlier bias I had is further reinforced.  Since we don't
know the upper and lower bounds of allowed code, and it would be nice to
avoid seg-faults, I recommend:

while(code) { DO_OP }

This is success-fast, and fail only requires execution of the "end"
op-code. (which only executes once for the whole program).  It's redundant
to check for the end-op as with while(code && *code){} and it only hurts
mainline performance (though I know that's not yet an issue).

To maintain strict p-code checking, you'd have to dynamically load the
extents of the code-segment (most likely from the interpreter), as with:

while( code > INTERP->start_code && code < INTERP->end_code ) { DO_OP }
jsr's and ret's might modify start/end extents, and so on. (Again *code is

A "premature" optimzation could be to have nested do-loops:

func runops( code, interp ):
  while( !interp->f_done ):
    _innerrunops( interp->start_code, interp, interp->start_code,
                  interp->start_code + interp->code_size
                  /* other run-time constants */ );
    CHECK_SYSTEM_STATE // potentially avoids litering CHECK_EVENT op-codes

func _innerrunops( code, interp, start, end /* others */ ):
  while( code > start && code < end ) { DO_OP }

This would assume that far-jmp / far-jsr (those based on dynamically
linked code) set interp->code and return zero.

I'm not crazy about it; if nothing else, it requires an extra c-function
call, but it might be necessary when we get to dynamic linkiing anyway to
additionally configure the interpreter state (switching current packages,

I've only recently gotten into this mail-group, so I've missed any
previous justification for the existing use of while(*code), nor any
direction involving dynamic linking.


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