> Now how do you go about performing an atomic operation in MT?  I
> understand the desire for reentrance via the exclusive use of local
> variables, but I'm not quite sure how you can enforce this when many
> operations are on shared data (manipulating elements of the
> interpreter / global variables).

There are two categories of global vars: ones used by runtime and ones
used by app.

For former, the runtime will use following schemes:
1) Reducing globals by using more per-thread variable (such as per 
thread profile info instead of per interpreter info).
2) Use atomic variable. Increment a profile counter does not need lock
even it may ocationally corrected by one.
3) Use mutex as needed.

> I definately agree that locking should be at a high level (let them core
> if they don't obey design it well).  I liked the perl5 idea that any
> scalar / array / hash could be a mutex.  Prevents you from having to
> carry around lots of extra mutex-values.  We can achieve the exact
> same "synchronization" policy of java or one that's finer 
> tuned for performance.

We can either let sv/av/hv carry mutex, or let them be atomic, although it
is non-trivial to make them atomic. For languages like Smalltalk, it is
trivial to make system atomic, since all complex data structure are user


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