On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Simon Cozens wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 01:56:01PM -0700, Brent Dax wrote:
> > After thinking about this for a couple minutes, I came up with a
> > solution involving a macro (I can hear the groans from here):
> > #define VTABLE_CALL(vfunc, type)
> > ((op_func_t)((INTVAL)vfunc+(INTVAL)type))
> This is entirely my fault; I asked if this was sane C and it turned
> out not to be. I need to revamp the multimethod business to use arrays.

The MIPSPro is getting annoyed about this as well, I think (I didn't notice
this before as a gcc compiled version of vtable_ops.o confused make):

cc-3316 cc: ERROR File = vtable_ops.c, Line = 49
  The expression must be a pointer to a complete object type.

        (interpreter->pmc_reg->registers[cur_opcode[2]]->vtable->multiply_1 + 

> > Okay, can someone stop with the gcc-isms?
> Guilty again. But Alex Gough had a patch which fixed this, and I
> thought he committed it.

I didn't.  I'm avoiding things not in t/, although I guess I could stop
doing that.  I'll continue not to commit the patch for now.

Alex Gough
He may look like an idiot, and talk like an idiot...but
don't let that fool you.  He really is an idiot.

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