Okay, now that I've had some time working with Parrot assembler, I've
developed a list of complaints.  ;^)

1. No if(s|sc, i|ic)
We're treating strings as second-class citizens here.  Why shouldn't you
be able to do an 'if' on a string?  You could interpret it as the
string's length, or the string's length && string ne "0".

2. No unless
'unless' is often more useful than 'if'.  Observe:

        # if(I0) {some stuff} else {other stuff}
        if I0, BeginIF
        branch ElseIF
        BeginIF: some stuff
        branch EndIF
        ElseIF: other stuff


        unless I0, ElseIF
        some stuff
        branch EndIF
        ElseIF: other stuff

In the first case, the if block uses two branches, and in the second it
only uses one.  Maybe I'm just being nitpicky, but I find the second one
a lot cleaner.

3. eq and friends: branching
The greatest oddity I've found so far is the eq operator and its pals.
While I'm sure these'll be great for something like 'if($foo eq $bar)',
they're less than optimal for anything more complicated: 'if($foo eq
$bar && $foo eq $baz)', or even the simple '$foobar=$foo eq $bar'.  The
best way I've found so far to use eq and friends in a generic way is:

        #I0=I1 eq I2
        eq I1, I2, YES
        set I0, 0
        branch END
        YES: set I0, 1

That's pretty suboptimal, considering that it could be:
        eq I0, I1, I2

and even the if case would just be:

        #if(I1 eq I2)
        #I0 is the temp register
        eq I0, I1, I2
        if I0, ...

That's a lot cleaner, isn't it?

4. eq and friends: string variants
One thing that seems to be missing is string and numeric variants on the
comparison ops.  While this isn't a problem now, it may be once we get

I can probably write a patch to fix all this, but first we have to
decide if it needs fixing.  Some of these are kind of nitpicky, but
they're still things I find annoying.  Thoughts?

--Brent Dax
Configure pumpking for Perl 6

When I take action, I’m not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10
empty tent and hit a camel in the butt.

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