Uri Guttman wrote:
> that is good. i wasn't disagreeing with your alternative architecture.
> i was just making sure that the priority was execution over compilation
> speed.

I use a snazzy quintuple-pass object-oriented assembler written
in equal parts spit and string (with a little RecDescent thrown in for
good measure). A real speed demon it is... ;)

The real motivation of my work is to see if a storage-to-storage
machine ends up using cache better and with less compiler effort
than a register machine. When I read about CRISP, the first thing
that came to mind was the "top-of-stack-register-file" could be
simulated exactly with high-speed cache in a software VM. Dropping
the stack-machine instructions in favor of Parrot's 3 operand ones
made it sound even better.

> ... then be mmap'ed in and run with hopefully impressive speed.

I'm impressed with the possibilities of the pbc->C translator. The
core modules on my system probably won't be mmap'ed byte code -- they'll
be mmap'ed executable. Reducing memory foot-print this way might take
some of the pressure off the need to share byte code. Lots of really
nice optimizations require frobbing the byte code, which definitely
hurts sharing.

- Ken

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