'Kay, here's the list:

*) I'm adding a CHEATS_TO_BE_FIXED file that holds notes on all cheats that 
need fixing. (Like the hand-rolling of faked PMCs in the newinterp opcode) 
It's OK to cheat if it's noted here and the cheat can be replaced with 
non-cheat code later. (If, for example, you need arrays or hashes before we 
have 'em implemented as PMCs)

*) If you missed Simon's announcement, we can now create multiple 
interpreters and run code in them. It needs some beefing, but seems to work 
nicely. Threads (so multiple interpreters run simultaneously) are coming soon.

*) What's up with regexes? There was some activity a while back, but things 
have died down. If someone could put together a doc on the proposed extra 
opcodes and their behaviour I'd appreciate it. (Keep to the all-lower-case 
format for names, please, and if there's anything you need (like a plain 
integer stack or three) to make them faster/easier/possible just ask)

*) We now have a working OS X system. Anyone care to take on the task of 
setting this up for nightly CVS checkouts/builds/smoke reports?


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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