On Sun, 25 Nov 2001 13:14:22 +0000, Simon Cozens wrote:

>On Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 02:32:34AM -0500, Angel Faus wrote:
>> use Text::Balanced 'extract_bracketed';
>Urgh.  We need to work around this.

Can somebody fill me in exactly how this is supposed to behave?

I think that this may come close:

        $_ = "  {  a { b } c { d } } { e { f } g } ";

        print "Extracted: '". extract_balanced($_) . "'\n";
        print "Remains: '$_'\n";

        sub extract_balanced {
            my $balance = 0;
            for(shift) {
                /^\{/ or die "bad block open";
                while(/(\{)|(\})/g) {
                    if($1) {
                    } else { # $2
                        --$balance or return substr($_, 0, pos, ""); 
                die "Badly balanced" if $balance;

This prints:

        Extracted: '{  a { b } c { d } }'
        Remains: ' { e { f } g } '

(p.s. for various reasons I am not capable of submitting an actual


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