On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 11:53:29AM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
( At 04:21 PM 10/10/2001 +0100, Alberto Manuel Brandao Simoes wrote:
( >         Hello!
( >
( >         I'm new to parrot (2 days) but it is grabbing me :) My first
( >suggestion would be to create a directory to put virtual machine
( >code, as Parrot assembler has it own.
( I'm a little unsure of what you're looking for. Parrot assembler *is* the 
( virtual machine code. (Though we really could use a directory for examples 
( of it that are separate from the test directory) Or am I misunderstanding here?

Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm thinking on two separate things: the assembler which
takes Parrot Assembler and generated bytecode, and the virtual machine, which
takes Parrot byte code and executes it.

As I've sayd, didn't look too much to the code, but it seems the assembler is
Perl code and the virtual machine C code...

        Right, the examples being on a different directory would help, too!

        And, if we have a parrotcode.org, we could make weekly html snapshots
from the docs directory.



 | Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões |
 | http://numexp.sourceforge.net |

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