At 08:25 PM 10/11/2001 -0500, Brian Wheeler wrote:
>Since we're passing guilt around, there's an equate of '*' which is the
>current PC...and I didn't document it.  You can do
>       set  I1,*
>and it will set I1 to the current PC.  It doesn't allow any math,
>though.  I thought about hooking up eval to various brackets but I never
>got the time before my job got busy...

Absolute or relative PC?

>Though I like Gregor's way of doing it:  we know the addresses (more or
>less) at compile time, so we might as well not waste ops doing
>arithmetic that we know in advance...

Fair enough, though we don't really know the absolute PC at assembly time, 
as we're all position independent. Thinking further, having the getpc 
opcode take an offset would let us do something like:

   getpc I0, FOO

to put the absolute address of FOO into I0, suitable for jumps and jsrs.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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