At 03:26 PM 12/4/2001 -0500, Adam Turoff wrote:
>The beginnings of a Parrot FAQ can be found here:

Here's some more:

Q: What language is Parrot written in?
A: C

Q: For the love of god, man, why?!?!?!?
A: Because it's the best we've got.

Q: That's sad
A: So true. Regardless, C's available pretty much everywhere. Perl 5's in 
C, so we can potentially build any place perl 5 builds.

Q: Why not write it in <insert favorite language here>
A: Because of one of:
   *) Not available everywhere
   *) Limited talent pool for core programmers
   *) Not fast enough

Q: Why your own virtual machine? Why not compile to JVM/.NET?
A: Those VMs are designed for statically typed languages. That's fine, 
since Java, C#, and lots of other languages are statically typed. Perl 
isn't. For a variety of reasons, it means that perl would run more slowly 
there than on an interpreter geared towards dynamic languages

Q: So you won't run on the JVM/.NET?
A: Sure we will. They're just not our first target. We build our own 
interpreter/VM, then when that's working we start in on the JVM and/ori 
..NET back ends.

Q: What's with this whole register machine thing?
A: Not much, why do you ask?

Q: Don't you know that stack machines are the way to go in software?
A: No, in fact, I don't.

Q: But look at all the successful stack-based VMs!
A: Like what? There's just the JVM.

Q: What about all the others?
A: *What* others? That's it, unless you count perl, python, or ruby.

Q: Yeah, them!
A: Yeah, right. You never thought about them as VMs, admit it. :) 
Seriously, we're already running with a faster opcode dispatch than any of 
them are, and having registers just decreases the amount of stack thrash we get

Q: Right, smarty. Then name a successful register-based VM!
A: The 68K emulator Apple ships with all its PPC-enabled version of MacOS.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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