On Mon, Dec 31, 2001 at 10:02:19AM -0500, Josh Wilmes wrote:
> At 13:36 on 12/31/2001 GMT, Simon Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You are, of course, correct. gcc is a lot laxer than many other compilers,
> > so we want to get away with as little as possible. -Wall should be default
> > for gcc. (And please remember that not every compiler supports -Wall, so
> > make it gcc specific!)
> I already submitted a patch for this, and it has been applied.  I also 
> added a "pedantic" option to Configure.pl.   That kicks it up anohter 
> notch.  (bam.)

The problem is that Configure.pl is deciding that it's gcc based on
$Config{ccname} eq "gcc". $Config{ccname} doesn't exist in perl5.005_03
(or presumably earlier). That's the undefined warning on line 183 below/

So, there's two or three chances to miss getting gcc. With Configure.pl of 5
minutes ago, on this BSD I get:

nick@thinking-cap [parrot]$ ./Configure.pl           
Parrot Version 0.0.3 Configure
Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Yet Another Society

Since you're running this script, you obviously have
Perl 5--I'll be pulling some defaults from its configuration.

Checking the MANIFEST to make sure you have a complete Parrot kit...

Okay, we found everything.  Next you'll need to answer
a few questions about your system.  Rules are the same
as Perl 5's Configure--defaults are in square brackets,
and you can hit enter to accept them.

Use of uninitialized value at ./Configure.pl line 183.
What C compiler do you want to use? [cc] gcc
How about your linker? [cc] gcc
What flags would you like passed to your C compiler? [] 
Which libraries would you like your C compiler to include? [-lm -lc -lcrypt] 
How big would you like integers to be? [long] 
And your floats? [double] 
What is your native opcode type? [long] 

Probing Perl 5's configuration to determine which headers you have (this could
take a while on slow machines)...

Determining C data type sizes by compiling and running a small C program (this
could take a while):

  Building ./test.c                       from test_c.in...

Figuring out the formats to pass to pack() for the various Parrot internal

Building a preliminary version of include/parrot/config.h, your Makefiles, and
other files:

  Building include/parrot/config.h        from config_h.in...
  Building ./Makefile                     from Makefile.in...
  Building ./classes/Makefile             from classes/Makefile.in...
  Building ./languages/Makefile           from languages/Makefile.in...
  Building ./languages/jako/Makefile      from languages/jako/Makefile.in...
  Building ./languages/miniperl/Makefile  from languages/miniperl/Makefile.in...
  Building ./languages/scheme/Makefile    from languages/scheme/Makefile.in...
  Building Parrot/Types.pm                from Types_pm.in...
  Building Parrot/Config.pm               from Config_pm.in...

Checking some things by compiling and running another small C program (this
could take a while):

  Building ./testparrotsizes.c            from testparrotsizes_c.in...

Updating include/parrot/config.h:

  Building include/parrot/config.h        from config_h.in...

Okay, we're done!

You can now use `make' (or your platform's equivalent to `make') to build your
Parrot. After that, you can use `make test' to run the test suite.

Happy Hacking,

        The Parrot Team

nick@thinking-cap [parrot]$ make
/usr/bin/perl vtable_h.pl
/usr/bin/perl make_vtable_ops.pl > vtable.ops
/usr/bin/perl ops2c.pl C core.ops vtable.ops
/usr/bin/perl ops2c.pl CPrederef core.ops vtable.ops
/usr/bin/perl ops2pm.pl core.ops vtable.ops
/usr/bin/perl -MFile::Copy=cp -e 'cp q|Parrot/Jit/i386-bsd.pm|, q|Parrot/Jit.pm|'
/usr/bin/perl jit2h.pl i386 > include/parrot/jit_struct.h
gcc -I./include  -DHAS_JIT -o test_main.o -c test_main.c
gcc -I./include  -DHAS_JIT -o global_setup.o -c global_setup.c
nick@thinking-cap [130]$ gcc --version

Note that I've even told Configure that I'm using gcc, not cc, and it still
doesn't do the GCC stuff.

Shall I submit a patch that makes Configure.pl check the the C compiler works
and if it's gcc (by compiling a test program that looks for gcc's version
macros, rather than trying to pass the output of ${cc} --version)

And the if it's gcc in the tin (whatever the label says) do Dan's

   $c{cc_warn} = " -Wall -ansi -pedantic -Wtraditional -Wstrict-prototypes 
-Wmissing-prototypes -Winline -Wredundant-decls -Wall -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith 
-Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wconversion -Waggregate-return -Winline";

[hmm it seems that -ansi enables -trigraphs, and -Wall enables -Wtrigraphs,
so that's good (in that I feel we want to know about them if anyone uses them)]

For information, here's what /cc/ stuff I have in %Config:

nick@thinking-cap [parrot]$ /usr/bin/perl -MConfig -lwe 'foreach (keys %Config){print 
if /cc/}'
nick@thinking-cap [parrot]$ /usr/bin/perl -v

This is perl, version 5.005_03 built for i386-freebsd

Copyright 1987-1999, Larry Wall

Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5.0 source kit.

Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using `man perl' or `perldoc perl'.  If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at http://www.perl.com/, the Perl Home Page.

nick@thinking-cap [parrot]$ 

Nicholas Clark

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