As the subject line says.


--- macro.t.old Tue Nov 13 02:00:01 2001
+++ macro.t     Thu Jan 10 15:52:28 2002
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #! perl -w
-use Parrot::Test tests => 8;
+use Parrot::Test tests => 9;
 output_is( <<'CODE', <<OUTPUT, "macro, zero parameters" );
 answer macro
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@
-# Can't test because I can't capture errors
-#output_is( <<'CODE', <<OUTPUT, "macro, one parameter in call, not in def" );
-#answer        macro
-#      print A
-#      answer 42
-#      print "\n"
+SKIP: { skip("Await exceptions", 1);
+output_is( <<'CODE', <<OUTPUT, "macro, one parameter in call, not in def" );
+answer macro
+       print A
+       answer 42
+       print "\n"
 output_is( <<'CODE', <<OUTPUT, "macro, one used parameter, register" );
 answer macro   A

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