I have a design question here.  Why did we take the approach of having a
match method on every single vtable, instead of having a vtable for
regular expressions, and have regex be an object (like Perl 5)?

>From a Perl (6) perspective, it makes more sense to me:

  # This:
  $a =~ /$regex/;
  # would be the same as this:

This way I can have my own regex module:

  use PCRE;

  my $pcre = PCRE.new('^foo(\d+)');

  $string =~ /$pcre/;
  # same as:

And have races. :-)

I can't imagine that class designers would always remember to implement
the 'match' method on every class, and I also think that there really
isn't any logical way to match a non-string against a regular expression.
My proposed regular expression vtable methods would just stringify their
PMC arguments.

Does this make any sense to anyone?

- D


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