À la perl 5, it can be useful just to run 1 test script under the harness.

Nicholas Clark
ENOCHOCOLATE http://www.ccl4.org/~nick/CV.html

--- t/harness.orig      Wed Jan  2 19:19:09 2002
+++ t/harness   Mon Jan 21 11:46:54 2002
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 #! perl -w
+# $Id: $
 use strict;
 use Test::Harness qw(runtests);
-my @tests = map { glob( "t/$_/*.t" ) } ( qw(op) );
+# Pass in a list of tests to run on the command line, else run all the tests.
+my @tests = @ARGV ? @ARGV : map { glob( "t/$_/*.t" ) } ( qw(op) );

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