I have added Adam's Parrot FAQ to www.parrotcode.org.

It's being loaded from cvs.perl.org every hour, so just checkin
updates to cvs there.

I do,

 $Faq =~ s!.*<BODY.*?>(.*)</BODY>.*!$1!s;
 $Faq =~ s!href="http://www.panix.com/~ziggy/parrot.html!href="/faq/!g;

on it to "fix it up", so when changing stuff, keep that in mind (or
tell me to fix the mason component).  It also tells that Ziggy is the
maintainer.  Ziggy, please let me know if you don't want to be
listed. :-)

There are no <a name=...>'s in the html, so the links from the toc
doesn't work.  If anyone wants to fix that, please do. 

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen, http://ask.netcetera.dk/   !try; do();

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