On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Nicholas Clark wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 03:42:50PM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> > >>  On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, Tim Bunce wrote:
> > >>  > Might be good to also provide "higher level" controls that just
> > >>  > provide hints to the GC. Somewhat like the "use less qw(memory);"
> > >>  > pragma that never quite happened for perl5, but with more appropriate
> > >>  > attribute for GC in perl6.
> > What I'm talking about was more at the level of fine control. When
> > we've run out of PMC headers in our arena, how many do we allocate in
> > the new arena? When we need more memory from the system how big a
> > chunk do we ask for? How many times do we allocate new arenas/memory
> > pools before we trigger off an automatic GC or DOD run? Things like
> > that.
> Ah. That's not really at the 'use less qw(memory)' level. It's like
> going from 'use more qw(coffee)' to use coffee origin=>'Brazil',
> fairtrade=>'yes', shots=>3, cup=>'ceramic mug'; and will change when
> your dealer changes.

The ideas are liked though, are they not?  Putting a 'use less "memory"'
at the top of a Perl program will surely have to translate to _something_
on the lower Parrot level, for instance, setting up GC to use some
pre-set values for those parameters known to be reasonably condusive to
reducing memory footprint.

Will there be opcodes to tweak this stuff, or will it only be available at
the C API level?

- D


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